About the project

General information:
The site is intended to support children in improve reading and spelling skills. This applies to both mother tongue and foreign languages. In some tools a kind of pseudo synaesthesia is used, which is reflected by a clear color assignment to letters, syllables, words or numbers.
General hint:
In the age of the GDPR and other local data protection regulations, I tried to execute almost everything on the local computer via Javascript. But certain things such as converting text to speech and automatically translating vocabulary are still execute on the server-side. I only store MP3 files (text to speech) on the server. No other user created data are stored on the server-side. However, this website uses the HTML web storage feature, more precisely local storage. Unlike cookies, the local storage limit is far larger and information is never transferred to the server. The data is not wiped, even after closing the browser, and may be accessed at any time. Because it is client-side, stored data is based on the browser that is used.
General request:
This website is completely free of advertising. Only the sponsors are mentioned. I don't want to earn any money with this site. I have attempted to write to all companies whose patents are in any way affected by this website to obtain permission to use the patent protected areas of this website. If I accidentally use a patent protected feature, please contact me directly at info@iatmo.com. I will immediately take the patent protected feature offline.
Background information:
Some years ago my youngest daughter fell ill with the rare disease Chorea Minor. In addition to some other limitations caused by this disease, her attention and concentration were impaired. At that time she was attending first grade primary school. To support my daughter, I developed various tools, the most helpful was the use of a kind of pseudo-synaesthesia. Fortunately, my daughter is fully recovered in the meantime. The tools were never released because I didn't think they had any added value for other kids. I was asked this year in September 2018, by my daughter's former therapist who knew these tools, whether I could publish the tools on the Internet freely accessible. Since these tools were developed a few years ago, I have now tried without too much effort to make the tools here available to everyone.

Speed reading Tool

Orthographic Tool

Catchword Story
Practise Vocabulary

Spell Tool

Basic Arithmetics